KeePer Coating

Ex KeePer

​Breathtaking beauty at its finest

Fresh KeePer Long

Self-cleaning, and long-lasting

Fresh KeePer

Every time it rains, the car is cleaned effortlessly

Matte Texture KeePer

Weather-proof and stain-resistant coatings for matte paints.

Service/ Product Name

Excessively Beautiful Breathtaking. Transcendental Beauty

Ex KeePer

(Premium Spec available)

Self-cleaning and long-lasting.

Fresh KeePer Long

(Premium Spec available)

Self-cleans every time it rains.

Fresh KeePer

Structure of the coating

III) Naturally cured "primer glass" and

C) state-of-the-art "VP326" organic resin

 II) Naturally cured "high-density glass"

A) "ECO+ resin"

 I) Force cured "medium-density glass"

A) "ECO+ resin"

Performance Radar Chart

Service Time

5 hours ~

3 ~ 6 hours

Minimum 2 hours

Reservation  Availability

Advanced booking required

Advanced booking recommended, but same-day booking accepted, too


M sized car 

(Prius for example)

S$ 1,533
( Premium  S$ 2,349 ) 

S$ 995
( Premium  S$ 1,531 )

S$ 361

Maintenance free period

Maintenance free for 3 years
Lasts 6 years with maintenance 

once every 2 years ( or annually)

Maintenance free for 3 years


Lasts 5 years with maintenance 

once every 2 years ( or annually)

Maintenance free for

1 or 2 years

Maintenance Price

     M sized car 

(Prius for example)

S$ 700
( Premium  S$ 1,002 )

S$ 361


Average annual expense

        M sized car

   (Prius for example)

Maintenance free for 3 years
S$1,533 / 3 year =
S$ 511 / year
(Preimum: S$2,349 / 3 yr =S$783 / year)
Lasts 6 years with maintenance 

once every 2 years ( or annually)

Maintenance free for 3 years
S$ 995 / 3 year =
S$ 332 / year
(Preimum: S$1,531 / 3 yr =S$510 / year)


Lasts 5 years with maintenance 

once every 2 years ( or annually)

First year: S$ 361 / year

**Indicative prices are exclusive of GST

Matte Texture KeePer

The matte coating brings out a unique texture due to the rough and uneven surface. On the other hand, these uneven surfaces are easily filled with inorganic minerals contained in tap water or muddy water, making it easy for water stains to adhere to the surface. In addition, conventional inorganic body glass coatings often cause severe water spots because the same inorganic minerals tend to adhere.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Visit our shop to receive a detailed explanation from our knowledgeable staff.

Waxing is not necessary for KeePer-coated cars and may even cause dirt buildup. Our coating creates a smooth surface that reflects light beautifully.

EX KeePer and Fresh KeePer LONG are excellent for long-term protection, offering durability and stunning gloss for up to 3 years without maintenance.

The purpose of car coating is three-fold:

Protection from Environmental Attack: Safeguards against acid rain, UV rays, bird droppings, and other harmful elements.
Enhanced Appearance: Gives your car a glossy, attractive shine that keeps it looking beautiful.

Ease of Maintenance: Makes car washing significantly easier and less frequent.

Yes, KeePer Coatings are compatible with all car colors and enhance the natural shine of your vehicle.

Use water and a fiber cloth to wipe your car, followed by a water-absorbing towel.

Some wipers may not work well with coated glass. Consider using silicone or graphite wipers. If problems persist, we can remove the coating.

coating maintenance” refers to applying a fresh layer of protective chemical to maintain the shine and durability of the coating. With EX KeePer standard maintenance, the surface is refined with a new ECO+ resin film to replenish its second layer, whereas with full maintenance, we will go over to the first (glass) layer to refine the surface and top up with a fresh VP326 resin chemical.

With Fresh KeePer LONG standard maintenance, the second layer resin film will be replaced by a fresh one. With the full maintenance, both first and second layers of coating films will be touched up or replaced. This maintenance helps preserve the coating’s effectiveness over time.

Fresh KeePer, however, does not require periodic coating as it automatically maintains its protective properties, providing ongoing protection for over the expected duration period of  1 to 2 years.